by swvision | Dec 20, 2018 | ROP Management
Management of Infantile and Childhood Retinopathies: Optimized Pediatric Pars Planta Vitrectomy Sclerotomy Nomogram Purpose To develop a nomogram based on age and disease type for sclerotomy placement in pars plana vitrectomy for infants and children with congenital...
by swvision | Dec 20, 2018 | ROP Management
by swvision | Dec 20, 2018 | Micro-Premature Infants, ROP Management
The severity and associated comorbidities of retinopathy of prematurity among micro-premature infants with birth weights less than 750 grams. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the characteristics and comorbidities associated with ROP in micro-premature infants and their...